FS-172 Boston

(Diver Level: Intermediate to Expert)

Just north of The Quarry is the FS-172 Boston, a US Army freight and store ship. The Boston’s propeller appears to have become entangled in mine sweeping cables – exposing a hole in its own hull and sinking to the bottom of a coral drop off in 30 metres of water.

The wreck is approx. 60 metres long by 25 meters wide and, apart from the two bronze screws, remains virtually intact and has been described by some travel writers to be one of the best dive sites in the world.

Due to the prevailing longshore current is recommended that your dive begins at the stern and you drift with the current through, and around the wreck, to the bow - With the wreck oriented with its bow pointed towards the north,

You ascend the reef wall by clasping the hard corals, where many of The Quarry’s animal and plant attractions are also to be found - making it quite an interesting decompression stop at 5m. Once descended, you will see the array of sea fans, sponges and acropora colonies that have clung to the superstructure of the vessel.

The FS-172 Boston offers many corridors and cabins awaiting exploration. Predatory fish inhabit the holds and superstructure of the ship including sweet lips, mangrove jacks, and large cods as big as cars!