Can I Dive?

Scuba diving is an exhilarating and challenging activity and is relatively safe when undertaken correctly, and applying your certification training.   

When established safety protocols are not followed, this is when divers can face increased risks.

To scuba dive safely, divers should be: 

  • In good physical condition  

  • Have good respiratory and circulatory health 

And not:  

  • Be extremely overweight or unfit 

  • Have a heart condition  

  • Be experiencing a current cold or congestion, epilepsy, asthma, or other severe medical condition  

  • Be taking medication for a health condition  

  • Be under the influence of alcohol or drugs  

By completing our PADI® Introductory Diving Form your answers will determine if you need to consult with a medial physician before undertaking any form of recreational diving.   

If you are intending to undertake your PADI® certification onsite with Niugini Dive Adventures, and medical clearance is required, this must be undertaken prior to your arrival at Madang.